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  • Writer's pictureUtkarsh Bhatt

Where's my Tech Saturdays! (Guess who just got a revamp!)

For those who are familiar with Linux it's close to impossible that they've not come across Ubuntu once in the superuser life. Backed by Canonical, Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distro for people who are new to Linux. And it just got revamped! On the 23rd of April the latest LTS (long term support) variant of Ubuntu (-v 20.04) dropped, and it had a lot to woo those who weren't following the Beta closely. I had the Beta already so after a week's of usage I think there's a lot worth sharing.

First Things First; The boot speed.

As soon as you'll switch on your system you'll notice that the boot speed has increased drastically. This is due to the use of compression (LZ4) used for the boot files. It is definitely appreciable, even though I used SSD's the Ubuntu boot time earlier was saddening. This was introduced in 19.10 but I am not a fan of the October releases so this was the first time I noticed it. Also the booting process was accompanied by the PC OEM Logo (MSI for my case), not a big fan here though ;D. The faster boot process is followed by a beautiful lock screen with background blur and centrally aligned login (Looks like the chaps at Ubuntu are putting efforts for beautification!).

Focal Fossa: Purple is the season.

The eye-laser shooting cat (or fossa) greets us on the login. If you don't like the wallpaper though you'll have a decent collection to choose from.

Snap Store: A welcome change

The Snap store is Ubuntu's way of providing snaps(application releases) to have universal applications that run across all Ubuntu releases. This will reduce strain at the end of developers to provide targeted deb releases for 15.04, 16.04...


There is a free opensource Minecraft like game called Minetest, a rather good one i'll say.

Juice for Developers!

Although I rarely agree that any particular distro is suitable for development, but have you ever tried compiling Boost libraries in 16.04 and cried because of older glibc version? Well keeping the tool chain updated is surely a good thing. 20.04 does a really neat job at providing for recent version of the same glibc 2.31, OpenJDK 11, Python 3.8.2, php 7.4, perl 5.30, and golang 1.13 are the refreshed inclusion.

Gnome 3.36

Much of the beauty of Ubuntu 20.04 is powered by Gnome 3.36, The Lockscreen, Extension App support, Do not disturb, and the geeky Dark Theme. It's a great improvement on aesthetics and the only way forward UP.

While linux has always been the love of power users it fails to catches newbies, thus Ubuntu 20.04 is a great release to start from for those who are new to linux or have never used it before. I would highly recommend the same! :D

For those who found a new courage to do the same I am dropping a link below to download and try it.


Give Linux and Ubuntu a try! Hustle around, it's much more fun than you expect it to be. #StaySafe #StayHome

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